
The description is the body of a milestone, and I'd like to generate milestones that include descriptions in an automated process.

Trac doesn't behave well if you directly update the tables in its database, so even though I can see the milestones there, I would avoid taking that approach.

Using the trac-admin command line utility documented at https://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/0.11/TracAdmin almost does the trick, as it allows milestones to be created, but it stops short of being able to specify a description for a milestone.

The MilestoneModule and RoadmapModule classes here: https://het.as.utexas.edu/HET/Software/trac/api/trac_ticket_roadmap.html look promising but MilestoneModule and RoadmapModule don't seem to offer the ability to create and list milestones.

So there must be some mostly undocumented class or method for doing this. What is it?

XmlRpcPlugin has an API for creating milestones.RjOllos
To answer the question you posed in your deleted post about virtualbox: it is just as off-topic as the one you dug up; but there are too many question dashing past to catch all the off-topic ones all the time. Thanks for pointing out the other one - it has also been closed.tink

1 Answers


Add milestones using the MilestoneCache object, like this script does (or just use the script, which is what I do either from the command line or from Python3 via subprocess.run, since Trac currently runs on Python2 and not 3)


from trac.env import open_environment
from trac.ticket import Milestone
from trac.ticket.model import MilestoneCache
from trac.core import TracError
import sys, json;

if len(sys.argv)!=2:
  print '''
  Usage: python2 createMilestone.py2 dir

  e.g.   python2 createMilestone.py2 ~/trac M3 <<END
         { "name": "M3",
           "due": "2021-01-01 04:00:00+00:00",
           "completed": "2021-12-31 23:59:59+00:00",
           "description": "" }

  data = json.load(sys.stdin)
  sys.stderr.write("Bad input data")

  sys.stderr.write("Can't update "+sys.argv[1]+"\n")

The script takes JSON with all the fields of the milestone as input. It's the same technique I use for creating tickets when writing Python3, since Trac is a Python2 program.

Conversely, if you want to list milestones, you can use this similar script, and you can pipe a milestone listed as jSON from one Trac site to another.

Sometimes I teach courses where I prepare a Trac site for each student, and I dump milestones through this script below and pipe it through the script above to propagate it into student Trac sites.


from trac.env import open_environment
from trac.ticket import Milestone
from trac.ticket.model import MilestoneCache
from trac.core import TracError
import sys, json;

if len(sys.argv)!=3:
  print '''
  Usage: python2 getMilestone dir milestone

  e.g.   python2 getMilestone ~/trac M3

  name,due,completed,description = MilestoneCache(open_environment(sys.argv[1])).milestones[sys.argv[2]]
  print json.dumps({
    "due":str(due) if due else None,
    "completed":str(completed) if completed else None,
except KeyError:
except TracError:
  sys.stderr.write("Can't open "+sys.argv[1]+"\n")