Context : I have a csv UTF8 file that is generated from values in a excel workbook. The delimiters must be semicolon for the API to take the file and process the data. This must be done automatically because this macro will be used my a lot of people.
Problem : My current settings are saving the csv UTF8 file with comma delimeters which is not working for me because of the API.
Solution : I have found that by adding in cell A1 "sep=;" I am able to bypass the current setting in excel and that it will put semicolon instead of commas.
Problem 2 : When I save the file directly in the macro, the sep=; is not working. If the user clicks on the save icon in Excel the delimiters are changing to semicolon instead of commas.
I am trying to understand why saving the file directly in the macro is not making my delimiters switch to semicolon but saving manually does.
Thanks !