I'm currently developing CSV export with XSLT. And CSV file will be used %99 percent with Excel in my case, so I have to consider Excel behavior.
My first problem was German special characters in csv. Even fact that CSV encoding is UTF8, Excel cannot open properly CSV file with UTF8. The special characters are getting weird symbols. I found a solution for this problem. I just added 3 additional bytes(EF BB BF - a.k.a BOM Header) beginning of content bytes. Because UTF8 BOM is way to say that 'hey dude, it is UTF8, open it properly' to Excel. Problem solved!
And my second problem was about separator. The default separator could be comma or semicolon depending on region. I think it is semicolon in Germany and comma in UK. So, in order to prevent this problem, I had to add the line in below:
(This separator was not implemented as hard-coded)
But my problem which I cannot find any solution is that if you add "sep=;" or "sep=," beginning of the file while the CSV file is being generated with UT8-BOM, the BOM doesn't help for showing special characters properly anymore! And I'm sure that BOM bytes are always in the beginning of byte array. This screen shot is from MS Excel in Mac OS X:
First 3 symbols belong to BOM header.
Have you ever had like this problem or do you have any suggestions? Thank you.
I share the printscreens.
a. With BOM and <xsl:text>sep=;</xsl:text>
b. Just with BOM
The Java code:
// Write the bytes
ServletOutputStream out = resp.getOutputStream();
if(contentType.toString().equals("CSV")) {
// The additional bytes in below is prefix indicates that the content is in UTF-8.
out.write(bytes); // Content bytes, in this case XSL
The XSL code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:output method="text" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes" />
<xsl:template match="/">
as the first bytes of the file instead of the BOM header? – Marcus Rickert