
Not sure What I am doing wrong here. I am trying to get my bot to only send this message if the user starts typing in the defined channel. I don't get errors the bot just doesn't send a message. Help Please!

bot.on("typingStart", (channel, user) => {

const bot_channel =  "812180709401247658"

if (channel.id = bot_channel.id) {
     message.send('wrong channel');


I have also tried:

bot.on("typingStart", (message , channel) => {

const bot_channel =  "812180709401247658"

if (channel.id === bot_channel.id) {
    message.send('wrong channel');


2 Answers


A single equals sign = is assignment. To perform comparison in JavaScript, use either the double equals sign or the triple equals sign. For most cases of comparison, you should use ===. Your code should look like this then:

bot.on("typingStart", (channel, user) => {
  const bot_channel =  "812180709401247658"
  if (channel.id === bot_channel.id) {
    message.send('wrong channel');

Use this

bot.on("typingStart", (message, channel) => {

  const channel = "812180709401247658"

  if (message.channel.id != channel) {
      return message.channel.send('You can only use this command in <#' + channel + '>');


if it still does not work use this

bot.on("message", (message) => {

  const channel = "812180709401247658"

  if (message.channel.id != channel) {
      return message.channel.send('You can only use this command in <#' + channel + '>');


"!=" means isn't, so if channel isn't the one you selected it will return the message, simple