
I have read some other posts about this problem, but couldn't get it to work unfortunately.

I have 2 SSRS reports. The first report take a multiple string parameters, runs a select query, and present some rows. Then I have a "Go to Report" Action that pass the values to a sub report and run an update query to update the rows.

When passing the multiple value parameter to another report I used =join(Parameters!ponum.Value,",") but the sub report only recognize the parameter as 1 value. The parameter on the sub report has set to allow multiple value already.

The type of values I want to pass is like 'a-01', 'b-02', 'd01-293'. However, when passed to another report the parameter becomes a-01, b-02, d01-293

I tried to pass with = "'" + join(Parameters!ponum.Value,"','") + "'" but still fails.

Is there any other ways I can do this?


Are you getting to the seconds report as a subreport or via a URL?Alan Schofield
I am getting to the subreport via an action that says "Go to report"User555
does the sub report run ok with multiple parameters on it's own? I.E. run the sub report with the same multiple parameters - does it display ok?Harry
further to my comment.. what is the difference in passing 'a-01', 'b-02', 'd01-293' as opposed to a-01, b-02, d01-293 ? isn't the second one a lot tidier to work with?Harry
The subreport does okay with parameter on its own. If I enter values on the sub reports it correctly works with the query such as select * from po where my_param in ('a-01', 'b-02', 'c-03') On the other hand, the database wouldn't query anything if query is select * from po where my_param in (a-01, b-02, d01-293)User555

1 Answers


If your subreport's parameter is multi-value like your main report parameter then in the subreport properties all you do is set the parameter value to your main report's parameter.

So if we have MainReport with a parameter called PoNum and it is multi-value. Then we have mySubReport with a parameter of subPONums for example then in the subreport placeholder in the main report, set the parameter value to [@PoNum]

enter image description here

The entire parameter object will be passed to the subreport.