
I have a report which shows product details. Some of these products will be Children of Parent products. The children have 3 columns Parent1 Parent2 and Parent3.

The sub report runs off the same query except has a variable @ParentCodes. This is set as varchar(max). I then use a function in the where clause to split the codes which may be passed ParentCode in (SELECT [Value] FROM dbo.SplitMultiValueParameterString(@ParentCodes, ','))

If I pass in 2 or 3 codes in a string like ('123', '456') then the query returns the 2 rows required.

I am struggling to get this to work in SSRS. I have set up both reports and added the @ParentCodes parameter to the sub report.

In the main report, I am using an action on a text box to go to the sub report and passing the parameter @ParentCodes with the following value expression =Fields!Parent1.Value & Fields!Parent2.Value & Fields!Parent3.Value

In the sub report, in the parameter tab in the dataset I have added the @ParentCodes parameter and using the expression =JOIN(Parameters!ParentCodes, ",")

This is not working as desired, can anyone understand what I am trying to do and propose a solution?


3 Answers


In SSRS, if you are using direct statements (in that you just dump the raw SQL into the Report Data) then you need to use an IN, and SSRS (as much as I hate it) "safely" replaces the variable in the IN with an injection of the parameters. In simple terms, take a query like the below:

FROM dbo.YourTable

Then you select the parameters, 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the report. It would inject those and the query would become the below:

FROM dbo.YourTable
WHERE ID IN (1,2,3,4);

If you're using a Stored Procedure, however, you need to use a string splitter (such as DelimitedSplit8k_LEAD) to do the work, and make your parameter a (n)varchar:

CREATE PROC dbo.YourProc @IDs varchar(8000) AS

FROM dbo.YourTable YT
     JOIN dbo.DelimitedSplit8k_LEAD(@IDs, ',') DS ON YT.ID = DS.item;

It looks like you're expecting the query to do dynamic SQL in the sub report which won't work, but SSRS should do what you need.

Try This with your subreport with some multiple parent codes.

In your where clause in the subreport you should be able to do this:

WHERE parentcode IN (@parentcodes)

You may need to tweak your JOIN expression as per this: article but it might just work.


If I've understood you correctly, the subreport accepts a single comma separated string as a parameter and that gets populated from the main report?

If that is the case then your expression

=Fields!Parent1.Value & Fields!Parent2.Value & Fields!Parent3.Value

is wrong as it does not have any separators so 123 and 456 would be sent as 123456.

You probably need something like

=Fields!Parent1.Value & "," & Fields!Parent2.Value & "," & Fields!Parent3.Value

The other option would be to just pass in the child product's ID and then get the parent ID's in the subreport's query. You would not need to do any kind of processing to build or split out parameter values this way.