I've created a bar chart and dynamic action for inline pop up (classic report). When I click each bar popup box is coming up but its not giving the output from database.
steps used -
Created region1 , chart and series (for bar chart).
Created region2 , created classic report and made it as inline popup (for popup) Using the below query in Region2
select pws , prdct_cd from pws_data where pws = :PWS
(If I send :PWS as 'PWS3' it will give 2 rows) refer below imageCreated a dynamic action for region1 1.Event created When : Click Selection type : region Region : Region1 2.Action Created Action : Open Region Selection Type : region Region : Region2 4.Created Page Item : PWS for Region1
How do assign value
I'm unable to the pass values (PWS1 or PWS2 ..) to my Page Item (PWS).
I'm noobie in Apex. Kindly Help