I'm using Oracle Apex 19.1 version and i'm very new to apex. I m working on a product form. Where under product type item, it consist of total 5 products display in a selection list. When user select product a or b or d from the list, then accessories page item and plan page item will show in the form. When user select product c or e under product type, accessories page item and plan page item will be hide from the form.
I tried to achieve by setting dynamic action, 'event' set to change, 'selection type' set to items, 'item(s)' set to product_type
under client-side condition, 'Item' set to item=value, 'item' set to product_type, 'value' set to a,b,d. I realise value condition does not accept more than one value. Is there a way to over come this?