I have a scenario in which I have to mount render AgGridReact which is having a custom cell editor component. I am unable to use startEditingCell for editing the cell. The value is not populating in the grid.
const columnDefs = [
cellClassRules : { <some classes>},
cellEditor : 'customInput',
cellEditorParams : {
<some params>
cellStyle :{<some styles>},
editable : <method>,
singleClickEdit: true,
tooltipValueGetter: <method>,
return (
frameworkComponents :{
customInput : <React forwardref component>
Here, react component(hooks component) have some validations on the data entered. So, in my tests I want to use startEditingCell to set the value so that the hooks will be triggered and the validations will happen. I am unable to do that.
Can anybody suggest a solution on how to cover this case?