I've created grid using ag-grid with editable=true for one field in columnDefs array. When I edit that column for any row, then after editing the row moves to top automatically.
I've gone through all documentations of ag-grid, but didn't find anything related to this issue. Can it be prevented in some way?
style="width: 100%; height: 300px; box-sizing: border-box;"
constructor() {
this.columnDefs = [{
headerName: 'Name',
field: 'name',
colSpan: (params) => {
if (params.data.section === 'big-title')
return 2;
return 1;
cellClassRules: this.cellClassRules,
editable: (params) => { return params.data.section === 'big-title'; },
cellRenderer: 'spotGridCellRenderer',
colId: 'spotGridNameField',
getQuickFilterText: (params) => {
return params.data.name.toLowerCase();
{ headerName: 'Spot', field: 'spot', hide: true, valueFormatter: this.numberValueFormater },
{ headerName: 'Fwd', field: 'fwd', hide: true, valueFormatter: this.numberValueFormater },
headerName: 'Value',
cellRenderer: "agAnimateShowChangeCellRenderer",
valueGetter: function totalValueGetter(params) {
if (params.data.fwd)
return params.data.spot + params.data.fwd;
return params.data.spot;
}, valueFormatter: this.numberValueFormater
this.context = { componentParent: this };
this.frameworkComponents = {
spotGridCellRenderer: spotGridCellRenderer
this.getRowNodeId = data => data.name;
private selectedSecurities = [{"currencyPairId":3,"name":"AUDJPY3m","type":"fwd","tenorIndex":5,"tokenIds":[5,6],"spot":6.731458,"fwd":2.7974},{"currencyPairId":3,"name":"AUDJPY2m","type":"fwd","tenorIndex":4,"tokenIds":[5,6],"spot":6.731458,"fwd":0.172959}];
private addCustomHeader(rowIndex) {
let obj = {
'name': 'Custom Header...',
'section': 'big-title'
this.selectedSecurities.splice(rowIndex, 0, obj);
this.selectedSecurities = [...this.selectedSecurities];
I call addCustomHeader method with rowIndex on which I need to add a new data in selectedSecurities, and it do this perfectly and updates the grid also. But when I try to edit any editable column then that particular row is shifted to top of the grid. I inspected the original array and it still shows the order correctly. I'm unable to understand that if the array holds the data in right order and I am using deltaRowDataMode also, then why the edited column's row is moving to top of grid.