For writing logs and metrics on Stackdriver those roles are appropriate, you need to define what kind of activities the instance will be doing. However as John pointed in his comment, using a conditional role binding 1 might be useful as they can be added to new or existing IAM policies to further control access to Google Cloud resources.
As for the best practices on SA, I would recommend to make the SA as secure as possible with the following:
-Specify who can act as service accounts. Users who are Service Account Users for a service account can indirectly access all the resources the service account has access to. Therefore, be cautious when granting the serviceAccountUser role to a user.
-Grant the service account only the minimum set of permissions required to achieve their goal. Learn about granting roles to all types of members, including service accounts.
-Create service accounts for each service with only the permissions required for that service.
-Use the display name of a service account to keep track of the service accounts. When you create a service account, populate its display name with the purpose of the service account.
-Define a naming convention for your service accounts.
-Implement processes to automate the rotation of user-managed service account keys.
-Take advantage of the IAM service account API to implement key rotation.
-Audit service accounts and keys using either the serviceAccount.keys.list() method or the Logs Viewer page in the console.
-Do not delete service accounts that are in use by running instances on App Engine or Compute Engine unless you want those applications to lose access to the service account.
Conditional Role Bindings
to restrict what resources (by name, example Bucket A) the service account can access. – John Hanley