Trying to add a condition in the following formula that IF(F3:F<DATE(2020,6,30),13 whenever i tried to add it gives me an error.
Your help will be highly appreciated
=ArrayFormula(if(len(G3:G),ROUND(IF(LEN(F3:F),IF(G3:G="Confirmed",13 - MONTH(DATEVALUE(TEXT(F3:F,"mmm")&" 1"))) * 13/12,IF(G3:G="Probation",0)))),""))
I broken the formula and make it work for me but how to do the same thing with above one
=IF(AND(F3:F<DATE(2020,6,30),G3:G="Confirmed"),13,(13 - MONTH(DATEVALUE(TEXT(F3:F,"mmm")&" 1"))) * 13/12
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