Need help on how to get the count from Worked to Productivity sheet:
In Productivity Sheet (A2), get unique names that worked within the time of From Date to To Date
In Productivity Sheet (B2,C2,D2,E2,F2,G2), get count within the time of From Date to To Date By (A2) from sheet Worked
In **Productivity Sheet, count how many Valid + Invalid from sheet Worked By (A2)
I have the following formulas:
={"By"; unique(query(Worked!A2:Q,"select P where Q >= datetime '"&TEXT($B$1,"yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss")&"'"))}
={"Reason 1"; ARRAYFORMULA(COUNTIFS(Worked!F2:F,"1"))}
={"Reason 2"; ARRAYFORMULA(COUNTIFS(Worked!F2:F,"2"))}
={"Reason 3"; ARRAYFORMULA(COUNTIFS(Worked!F2:F,"3"))}
={"Reason 4"; ARRAYFORMULA(COUNTIFS(Worked!F2:F,"4"))}
={"High"; ARRAYFORMULA(COUNTIFS(Worked!C2:C,"High"))}
={"Normal"; ARRAYFORMULA(COUNTIFS(Worked!C2:C,"Normal"))}
={"Total Worked"; ARRAYFORMULA(SUM(F3:G3))}
But I want it to be based on time and date selected on another cell. Also it doesn't append as ARRAYFORMULA.