
How can I set the SLO URL for Snowflake SAML integration? I want Snowflake to log out of the identity provider if the user logs out of Snowflake.

I've searched the documentation at https://docs.snowflake.com/en/sql-reference/sql/create-security-integration.html#saml2-required-parameters and I can't seem to find anything related to the SLO URL.

It is possible, see this exampleSergiu
@Sergiu That example is for logging out of Snowflake if the user logs out of the IdP. I need it to log out of the IdP if the user logs out of Snowflake.Artem Kalinchuk

1 Answers


Am sure you have tried this already: Okta documents say if SLO is not available then the main URL can be used -->https://help.okta.com/en/prod/Content/Topics/Apps/Apps_Single_Logout.htm