
I have a need to alter the end-point variables in my Snowflake Oauth Integration I setup for Tableau. The integration was setup using this guide: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/oauth-partner.html#step-1-configuring-an-oauth-integration. The two parameters I need to alter are:


I need to change the endpoint from "https://account_name.snowflake..." to "https://account-name.snowflake..."

I have tried to do this by:

alter security integration tableau_server set OAUTH_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT = 'https://account-name.snowflakecomputing.com/oauth/authorize';

I get this error: SQL compilation error: invalid property 'OAUTH_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT' for 'INTEGRATION - OAUTH - TABLEAU_SERVER'

I am using the accountadmin role and I can change other parameters, just not these two.

I'm trying to make this change to resolve a SSL certificate error. Apparently domain names that have an underscore "_" do not follow SSL protocol any longer. Replacing the underscore with a dash works to resolve the issue but I need to make this change in my integration settings for SSO to work. Any help on how to get this done is appreciated!


1 Answers


I'm not an expert in this area, but those 2 parameters are not configurable parameters of your security integration object in Snowflake. Per the documentation:

For convenience, Snowflake defines the endpoints when a client is registered.

This means they are generated when you create the security integration object using these directions:


My interpretation here is that if you wish to modify those, you'd need to create a new security integration (or drop and replace the existing one).