
I'm trying to upload a new build to the app store connect. I usually use my CI for this but since the boss forgot to renew the CI's plan, I need to do it manually from XCode for now. Building and uploading from CI always work so far.

So I've Archived it successfully. But when I tried to Validate or Distribute the app from the Organizer, it failed with the error:

No accounts with App Store Connect access have been found for "TEAM_NAME". App Store Connect access is required for App Store Distribution.

I am using XCode Version 11.6 (11E708), and have already added the account that has App Store Connect access to XCode. The account has the admin role. So far, these are all the fixes that I have tried to no avail:

  1. Restart XCode
  2. Restart Mac
  3. Delete and add the account again
  4. Delete DerivedData
  5. Redownload the certificates and add them to Keychain
  6. Change the signing type to Automatic from Manual, or vice versa
  7. Make sure to disable my VPN
  8. Any combination of the steps above

I have also tried exporting and uploading using xcrun altool --upload-app but it returned these errors:

2021-01-19 22:03:00.239 altool[6155:75984] *** Error: Connection failed! Error Message - The request timed out.
2021-01-19 22:03:00.404 altool[6155:75978] *** Error: Error uploading 'Kolibree.ipa'.
2021-01-19 22:03:00.404 altool[6155:75978] *** Error: code -1011 (Unable to get authorization for username 'USERNAME' and password provided. Authentication failed.)

The network is most certainly working so I don't know why it timed out. Is it from Apple's side? Can anybody help me here? Thanks in advance.

UPDATE: I'm still using Catalina 10.15.4. Does that make any difference? Should I update my macOS?

Does your network have a firewall that prevents outbound access? There is some information on the required connectivity here help.apple.com/itc/transporteruserguide/en.lproj/static.html. You can also try stackoverflow.com/questions/38053368/…Paulw11
@Paulw11 I don't think I have any firewall. But I'll try those. Thanks.Bawenang Rukmoko Pardian Putra

1 Answers


Okay, after looking it up some more, I found out that the culprit is the ISP. It was blocked by the ISP since I can actually upload when I tethered to my phone. I've also checked the router and it doesn't have any firewall so it's definitely the ISP. Maybe I'll try the steps in @Paulw11's comment in using port 443 to upload now. Thanks.

UPDATE: After more investigation, it is actually much more silly. The ISP injected their ads into the packets that use any port except 443. And that includes uploading the app to the App Store. I tried turning on my VPN and it worked because there's no injection. Thanks again.