
When I tried to submit an App to Itunes Connect I got the following error.

iTunes Store Operation Failed

Error ITMS-90717: "Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in 'YourApp.app' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel."

Error ITMS-90717 I made sure that I submitted a file with no transparency. So the error persisted in submission to iTunes Connect.

Looks like a duplicate of stackoverflow.com/questions/25681869/… to me.Martin R
Unrelated to iOS or Swift.Martin R
@MartinR the question is different. My is when you submitting the app through the Xcode, the question you show is uploading image direct to iTunes Connect.Haroldo Gondim
Okay, so one big thing I was missing was to rearchive the file. Then upload it again and it work. Maybe some other noobie got stuck at that point, so here I am mentioning it.konsti1337
Remove the Alpha Chanel on you App icons in project folder.maddy

22 Answers


The below solution worked for me

  1. Click & open the App Store icon (1024*1024) in the preview app.
  2. Export it by unticking the Alpha channel.
  3. Replace the current App Store icon with the newly exported icon image.
  4. Validate and upload.

Note: This will not work on Mac OS High Sierra, please try a lower version to export without alpha or use any one of the image editing applications or try out the below alternatives.

Alternative 1: (Using Sierra or High Sierra and Ionic)

  1. Copy and Paste the App Store icon to the desktop.
  2. Open the image. Click File Menu->Duplicate.
  3. Save it by unticking the Alpha channel.
  4. Replace the current App Store icon with this one.
  5. Validate and upload.

Alternative 2: If duplicate does not work, try doing opening it in preview and then doing file export. I was able to unselect the alpha channel there. – by Alejandro Corredor.

Alternative 3 : Using High Sierra and Ionic, found the problem image in the following folder: [app name]/platforms/ios/[app name]/Images.xcassets/Appicon.appiconset/icon-1024.png. We have to copy it to the desktop and Save As while unchecking Alpha, then rename it to icon-1024.png, then delete the original and copy the new file back to the original folder. Export did not work though no error was displayed and all permissions were set/777. Hope this helps save someone the day I just lost. – by Ralph Hinkley

enter image description here


I faced the same problem and wasn't able to fix it with the provided solution by Shamsudheen TK. Ionic somehow added transparency to my icons even if the source icon did not have any transparency at all. In the end I was able to resolve it by:

Install imagemagick (MacOS):

brew install imagemagick

Remove alpha channel from all images in resource folder:

find ./resources/ -name "*.png" -exec convert "{}" -alpha off "{}" \;


Here is a solution that have worked for me on High Sierra

  1. Open the App Store icon (1024*1024) in Preview app(default OSX image viewer).
  2. Click on the File menu from the menu bar and select Export. view screenshot
  3. Uncheck Alpha, select where you would like to export the image and click on the Save button. view screenshot
  4. Replace the current App Store icon with the newly exported icon image.
  5. Validate and upload.

Whatever way you try above you need to test it by upload it to app connect like me to make sure it works and save your valuable time

enter image description here

enter image description here


If showing this error for ionic3 project when you upload to iTunes Connect, please check this ANSWER

This is my project error when I try to vilidated. enter image description here

Finally follow this ANSWER, error solved. enter image description here


Dumb mistake from my part, didn't archive the app after removing alpha. Just kept submitting my old archived app and finding same alpha/transparency error. Hope it helps someone.


Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in 'YourApp.app' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel.

Solved in Catalina

  1. copy to desktop
  2. open image in PREVIEW APP.
  3. File -> Duplicate Close the first opened preview
  4. after try to close the second duplicated image, then it will prompt to save there you will available to untick AlPHA

look into my screenshot

nvalid App Store Icon Solved in Catalina


Even the .png file without transparency the error persists.

The solution was to change the .png file to a .jpg file.

enter image description here


An error message itself says:

"Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in 'YourApp.app' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel."

All app icon must be square without transparency or semi transparent (alpha value != 1.0).

Hint: App icon may have rounded corners. (Share your app icons here)

Here is Apple guidelines for App Icon - Human Interface


I tried several of the things mentioned in this post (besides swapping to a .jpg) with no success. I solved it by opening the file in photoshop and using 'export to web'. Within that process/window is a checkbox for transparency.


If you are here and you are using Flutter, try this package https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_launcher_icons

Then add

  android: true
  ios: true
  remove_alpha_ios: true
  image_path: "assets/images/logo.png"

to your pubspec.yaml file It solved my own problem for me


If you don't have a mac, on windows you can open Paint and save as PNG with correct dimensions 1024x1024


If you're facing this issue in Flutter then you're good to go here.

Issue is indicating you're using .png as image asset. Just try to replace .png to .jpg and build your project again..!!

Use this plugin. - flutter_launcher_icons: ^0.8.1

  android: "ic_launcher"
  image_path_android: "assets/logo_panda.jpg"
  ios: true
  image_path_ios: "assets/logo_panda.jpg"

Make sure you're using the .jpg image extension as the image path.

This help me to upload the app to the App Store.


Use Alpha Channel Remover. It lets you drag icons into the app and it'll remove transparency.

Download it from here: http://alphachannelremover.blogspot.com

Update: this is not my site


I had this problem and it was because my app store icon wasn't explicitly listed in my config.xml. Once I added the line

<icon height="1024" src="www/res/icon/ios/icon-1024.png" width="1024" />,

cordova copied it over correctly without adding an alpha channel.


I was able to get around the Mac Sierra OS issue by duplicating the file, dragging the new file onto my desktop, open in preview, then click the export option (in the File menu) , then the option to save it without “alpha” comes up


Remove the alpha channel using this command in the folder 'Images.xcassets', this command will remove all alpha channels from your .png files and it will put the background color to white

for i in `ls *.png`; do convert $i -background white -alpha remove -alpha off $i; done

I also shell script using ffmpeg to resize images without alphachannel. It worked for png format fine.

# Export ios app icons by ffmpeg scale command
# usage: sh export_ios_icons.sh {path_to_your_img}
# example: sh export_ios_icons.sh ./app_icon.png

# sizes of images
# you can get other size images by editing thisarray
size=(20 40 60 29 58 87 80 120 180 76 152 167 1024)
for i in "${size[@]}"
    ffmpeg -i $1 -vf scale=$i:$i output_$ix$i.png

Alternative:(Using Sierra or High Sierra and Ionic)

  1. Copy and Paste the App Store icon to the desktop.
  2. Open the image. Click File Menu->Duplicate.
  3. Save it by unticking the Alpha channel.
  4. Replace the current App Store icon with this one.
  5. Validate and upload.

I also tried exporting without alpha it did not work for me but I figured it out that why I was getting error. I create an AppIcon using Figma & Sketch, but I tried to make a 2D geometry shape to 3D viewable. So I assume that I can achieve it by using some shadows & the same geometry but with lower alpha-like %70. After that, I got the AppIcon and export it without Alpha ticking but the problem was the main source of the image includes a container with lower alpha-like I did. So I change it to another graphical shape without alpha and it worked.


I am using Windows so in my case I used paint.net.

  1. Open the icon in question and click Ctrl+S
  2. A Save configuration dialog will pop out.
  3. Select 24-bit Depth

enter image description here

After this icons got accepted.

P.S Another option colleague suggested was to simply open with ms paint and save it, since paint does not support transparency, but I haven't tested it.


changed the icon from .png format to .jpg and everything went well.