I am creating a database of stock price data. I am currently using the below onEdit
function onEdit(e) {
// Get the spreadsheet that this will apply to, the tabs and columns
var ss = e.source.getActiveSheet();
var excludeTabs = ["Summary", "FTSE 250"];
var excludeColumns = [1,2,12,13,14,15,16]; // the columns to isolate for special reasons
var excludeCells = ["M1","I1","I2"];
// What is the criteria for action to be taken? If the terms defined in excludeTabs are met, then move onto the next criteria (indexOf used because we stored it as an array
// The range from the spreadsheet.
// Scripts expects an event in a cell
var cell = e.range;
// For the entire column of this cell
var col = cell.getColumn();
// Within the universe of tabs that this script applies to, we want to exclude the columns in the array
// Within the universe of tabs and columns, we want to exclude certain cells
// Need to make sure it only applies to formulas
if(cell.getFormula() !== ""){
var destination = ss.getRange(4, col, ss.getLastRow()-1, 1);
}//End of the remaining universe of data taking out the exceptions
}//End Tab criteria
}//End function
This allows for an edit in some of the columns to be performed when I edit the cell. So far it works but with a few kinks.
Problem 1
Sometimes, when I edit a cell above the fourth row of a column, it edits the entire column despite me telling it to start from the fourth row. This happened just a few minutes ago in a cell I told it to exclude above "I2". Is there anything wrong with the code I have written to this effect?
Problem 2
I tried creating other exceptions for the code, where for some specified ranges, it will only edit from a different cell range. Not the fourth cell of every column but of say the 10th cell. I tried adding it below var destination = ss.getRange(4, col, ss.getLastRow()-1, 1)
but it did not work. I also tried creating a separate onEdit function for a different cell location but it also did not work.
So far I have been using the sheet formulas like the below:
IFERROR(IFS(C4="Returns","",AND(C4="",C5="",C6="",C7="",C8=""),"",AND(ISNUMBER(C4),ISNUMBER(C5),ISNUMBER(C6),ISNUMBER(C7),ISNUMBER(C8)),COVAR($C4:$C8,'FTSE 250'!J5:J9)),""))
But this just gets messy. Sometimes there is data in the cell and so it would render formulas like the above useless. An example is the below picture.
Update I want the onEdit to start and drag down from the 10th row of the column but only for that column (this is the row in that column that I will be editing). I also want to be able to do this for other columns (start the automatic copy down process from different rows).
- This is the range I am trying to edit
Update 2
if(!excludeTabs.includes(ss.getName()) &&
!excludeColumns.includes(col) &&
!excludeCells.includes(cell.getA1Notation()) &&
cell.getFormula() !== ""
var destination = ss.getRange(8, col, ss.getMaxRows()-7, 1);
else if(col===30){
var destination = ss.getRange(8, col, ss.getMaxRows()-7, 1);
var destination = ss.getRange(4, col, ss.getMaxRows()-3, 1);