
I am new to google spreadsheet functions and trying to apply function as under:

I have sheet1 & sheet2 in one workbook (name-formula).

I want to display filtered column data from sheet2 & range C1:C6 in sheet1 and cell A2, formula mentioned is as under:

=filter(Sheet2!C1:C6, (D1:D6>= E1) * (D1:D6 <= E2))

Now concern is that data is loading as per function but it is not as per set criteria i.e. it is not in between E1 & E2

Please look the following link for detail


Hi, if you are refering to col D of sheet 2 you should use Sheet2!D1:D6. Your formula refers to cells E1 and E2. However the cells used in your sheet are D1 and E1. Also in the column D of sheet 2 are dates. The values in D1 and E1 are numbers. What is their function ? Do you want to filter between two given dates ? If so, take a look at the changes I made in your sheet.JPV
Thank you so much, it is workinguser3811050
Can I bother you to 'accept' my answer then ?JPV
It would be my pleasure but how since you have written in comment and not in answer,user3811050
Wow... you are right.. been reading why to much of these threads apparantly.. Will add it as answer..JPV

1 Answers


if you are refering to col D of sheet 2 you should use Sheet2!D1:D6. Your formula refers to cells E1 and E2. However the cells used in your sheet are D1 and E1. Also in the column D of sheet 2 are dates. The values in D1 and E1 are numbers. What is their function ? Do you want to filter between two given dates ? If so, take a look at the changes I made in your sheet.