I am using code that I found here.
But, I'm getting an error that the client
object doesn't have the attribute send_message
. I have tried message.channel.send
but that failed as well.
async def on_ready():
Channel = client.get_channel('YOUR_CHANNEL_ID')
Moji = await client.send_message(Channel, Text)
await client.add_reaction(Moji, emoji='????')
async def on_reaction_add(reaction, user):
Channel = client.get_channel('YOUR_CHANNEL_ID')
if reaction.message.channel.id != Channel:
if reaction.emoji == "????":
Role = discord.utils.get(user.server.roles, name="YOUR_ROLE_NAME_HERE")
await client.add_roles(user, Role)
Moji = client.send(Channel, Text)