I have been using the following two methods to get a user input from a discord embed. The first I use to get a text based message input and the second I use to get a reaction input (used to paginate the embed). What I would like to know is if I can merge these two to create a method to wait for either a reaction or a message input?
#message input
answer = await self.bot.wait_for(
check=lambda message: message.author.id == ctx.author.id
and isinstance(message.channel, discord.channel.DMChannel)
#reaction input
reaction, user = await self.bot.wait_for(
check=lambda reaction, user: user.id == ctx.author.id
and reaction.emoji in buttons
#and isinstance(reaction.channel, discord.channel.DMChannel),
UPDATE: So I have tried to implement the method duckboycool linked to (Many thanks man!). The issue I am having now is that when I react to the paginated embed it works perfectly, the reaction is noted and the embed is updated accordingly. But if I input a message instead it get the following error:
"reaction, emoji = await task TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable Message object"
here is my code:
finished =0
while finished == 0:
done_tasks = None
check1=lambda reaction, user: user.id == ctx.author.id and reaction.emoji in buttons
check2=lambda message: message.author.id == ctx.author.id and isinstance(message.channel, discord.channel.DMChannel)
pending_tasks = [self.bot.wait_for('reaction_add',check=check1),self.bot.wait_for('message',check=check2)]
done_tasks, pending_tasks = await asyncio.wait(pending_tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
for task in pending_tasks:
for task in done_tasks:
reaction, emoji = await task
message = await task
if reaction:
previous_page = current
if reaction.emoji == u"\u23EA":
current = 0
elif reaction.emoji == u"\u25C0":
if current > 0:
current -= 1
elif reaction.emoji == u"\u25B6":
if current < len(pages)-1:
current += 1
elif reaction.emoji == u"\u23E9":
current = len(pages)-1
if current != previous_page:
await msg.edit(embed = pages[current])