I'm learning about embedded systems and have an idea about one small project and I want to use Cortex M0+ based MCU STM32G081KBT6. I saw a lot of tutorials with this MCU type, but all of them are based on developer board and with them it is very simple to upload code with USB cable. I want to make my custom PCB for this. So my question is what I have to do so I can upload my code to this microcontroller?
From a datasheet I think I have to use SWDIO (PA13) and SWCLK(PA14) ports for Boot, but if someone can help me do I have to use also some resistors, can I make it USB to wire transfer with this, or I have to use some external device to make it possible? Or there is some easier and better solution to upload code from my laptop to microcontroller?
Thanks for the replies.