I would like to learn how to write embedded code. Unfortunately, I am not very experienced programmer, and I haven't got a clue on how to start.
The project I'm working on is a PCB with a movement sensor and a microprocessor, and I want to control the settings of the sensor by programming the microprocessor.
What kind of hardware and software do I need? I have read that I need a JTAG/development board and a programming environtment. I would be glad for a reference to any book/website that would tell me (preferrably as basic as possible) on how to get started. So far I have found only sources that are not readable for me as a beginner.
The microcontroller (STM32F101RC, Core: ARM 32-bit Cortex™-M3 CPU) communicates with the sensor using SPI. The PCB contains both a USB and a JTAG connection (10 pins). Also, I'm using a Windows laptop to do the programming.