
I'm using Flex Builder 3 to connect to a bunch of back-end code via the AMF gateway. Another developer packaged up all the AMF Gateway code into a war file. Here's my development process:

  • Deploy most recent AMF-gateway.war file into local jboss server
  • War file gets unpacked into [jboss]/server/tmp/deploy/tmp23241AMF-gateway-exp.war/
  • Run Flex Builder. Point application project at AMF Gateway tmp folder in 3 places (Flex server root folder, Flex build output folder, Flex compiler 'additional arguments' (pointing to location of services-config.xml).

This setup means that whenever you start a debug session in Flex Builder, it dumps working versions of the files into the AMF-gateway folder on the jboss server (which is aliased as /AMF-gateway). The thing is, every time I restart jboss or deploy an updated AMF-gateway.war file, it gets unpacked into a new temp folder with a new name, and I need to change all the references in the Flex project. This happens several times a day, and it's annoying. Can I streamline this configuration? I tried using an alias to that folder -- figuring I could script the change -- but Flex Builder didn't seem to like it.

What version of JBoss are you using? It'll help to know because I'm not sure if they changed the paths in v5.cliff.meyers
4.2.3; I think a library we're using isn't yet compatible with 5.SkippyFlipjack

2 Answers


If I remember correctly, you can create a directory in JBoss that the server will treat as an exploded war file. I don't have a copy of JBoss handy to check, but I remember creating a directory such as "context-name.war" and being able to develop against that. So instead of copying your packaged .war file to the deploy directory, you could unzip it directly to that directory. If I remember correctly JBoss will monitor the web.xml file for changes and if it's overwritten it will redeploy the context.


Instead of using an XML approach: (i.e. SOAP/WSDL/REST), try using AMF to port to a different gateway such as C# to the database directly.
