
I'm developing a Flex 3.4 app that interops with a Java EE backend running on a JBoss-4.2.2 server, through the most recent release of BlazeDS. When I ran the Flex app from Flash Builder 4 beta 2 on Tomcat, everything was fine, the Flex app was able to make the remote call needed. But my production environment is on JBoss, and when I moved the app to JBoss (with services-config.xml updated to fit JBoss), the Flex app keeps complaining Client.Error.MessageSend upon remote calls. At first, when I manually deployed the app to JBoss, the faultDetail was "Channel.Security.Error error Error #2048 ... "; later I tried to run the app from Flash Builder, and then faultDetail became "Channel.Connect.Failed error NetConnection.Call.BadVersion".

In services-config.xml, under <security>, was:

<login-command class="flex.messaging.security.TomcatLoginCommand" server="Tomcat"/>

when moving to JBoss, I updated it to:

<login-command class="flex.messaging.security.TomcatLoginCommand" server="JBoss"/>

I have a crossdomain.xml placed in JBoss' deploy folder, as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy 
    SYSTEM "http://www.macromedia.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd"> 
    <allow-access-from domain="*" /> 

But looks like it doesn't work. I've also tried to put crossdomain.xml in deploy/xxxxx.war folder, and the problem remains.

I'm using http://, not https://, so I guess it's not about security channel.

Tried to search for a solution, but most solutions were PHP related, which wasn't really helpful. Any one got any clues?

Please be careful with those crossdomain.xml files. They can open your site up to some serious security vulnerabilities. See an article I wrote called "How Bad Crossdomain Policies Expose Protected Data to Malicious Applications" for more details: jamesward.com/blog/2009/11/08/…James Ward
Did you check the JBoss log output (in $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/log/)? Are there any error messages? Try setting the log level for BlazeDS to "Debug", if there aren't any.weltraumpirat

2 Answers


You have

<login-command class="**flex.messaging.security.TomcatLoginCommand**" server="Tomcat"/> 

Where the class indicates that security is of tomcat you should change it to a class that implements the interface flex.messaging.security.LoginCommand or any security interface blaze.


If you browse to http://your.application.root/crossdomain.xml, does the file load? The simplest configuration is to put the file at the root of the domain.