In C there is no explicit concept of immutable because the language is based on copy semantic. In Python instead values are always passed by reference and immutability plays an important role to keep the language manageable.
In Python you don't have pointers because everything is indeed a pointer! Imagine what it could mean for a Python program that even number objects could change value over time... you would be forced to play tricks like
class Shape:
def __init__(self, points):
self.points = points[:] # make a copy of the list
not only for lists and dicts, but also for numeric values and strings.
So basically in Python some types have immutable instances because they normally are used as "values" and you don't care about identity. In the rare cases in which you need for example a mutable object with a numeric value you need to explicitly wrap it up in say a class instance.
In other languages substantially based on reference semantic like LISP immutability is a choice left to the programmer and not a constraint even if many functions and idioms are supporting it (a big percentage of LISP standard library functions are non-destructive and it's indeed sort of a shame that destructive ones aren't always clearly distinguishable by the name).
So for example strings are mutable LISP but probably not many LISP programs actually modify strings in place because that would mean giving up the nice possibility of sharing and would require explicitly copying strings in many places (in most cases strings are just values, not objects in which you care about identity). Are strings immutable in LISP? No. Are programs mutating them? Almost never.
Not leaving a choice to the programmer is in the spirit of the Python language. It feels great when the choices you are forced to are in line with your idea... less decisions and things are exactly like you wanted them to be.
There are however in my opinion two different dangers with this approach:
Problems arise when those pre-made choices are NOT in line on what you would like or need to do. Python is a wonderful language, but with a different dictator could become pure hell.
Understanding and making choiches forces you to think and expands your mind. Not making choices instead just puts a cage on your mind and after a while you may not even realize that what you are using is just ONE possibility, not the only possibility. After a while you may begin to just think that "things MUST be done this way": you don't even feel you are forced because your mind has already been "mutilated".