It’s little bit tricky and not so straight forward. You can get a webhook trigger for new data once ready, then you need to parse it and send to your event hub.
Office 365 Management Activity API reference
The Office 365 Management Activity API aggregates actions and events into tenant-specific content blobs, which are classified by the type and source of the content they contain.
To begin retrieving content blobs for a tenant, you first a create subscription to the desired content types. If you are retrieving content blobs for multiple tenants, you create multiple subscriptions to each of the desired content types, one for each tenant.
After you create a subscription, you can poll regularly to discover new content blobs that are available for download, or you can register a webhook endpoint with the subscription and we will send notifications to this endpoint as new content blobs are available.
When a subscription is created, it can take up to 12 hours for the first content blobs to become available for that subscription. The content blobs are created by collecting and aggregating actions and events across multiple servers and datacenters. As a result of this distributed process, the actions and events contained in the content blobs will not necessarily appear in the order in which they occurred. One content blob can contain actions and events that occurred prior to the actions and events contained in an earlier content blob. We are working to decrease the latency between the occurrence of actions and events and their availability within a content blob, but we can't guarantee that they appear sequentially.
Sample logs and schema reference.