I have a news editor for my site with which I am using TinyMCE. What I would like to be able to do is have a button (outside of the TinyMCE editor itself) that I can click to scan the textarea for any images, then list those images as options to use for a thumbnail image for said news article.
For an idea of what I mean, please see this link here: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B05m73kzudwPNzUwZjkyNmItYjZkMy00NTdlLTlkNDctOGRhYThjMzNjNTM5&hl=en_US
My problem is that document.getElementById('NewsArticle').value is not returning anything when there is text in the textarea
The other potential problem is that whats shown in the textarea is not actual code, but images etc too so I wasn't sure it would even work in the first place, but since when the form is submitted the data[News][article] value is back into text, I thought there might be a chance.
If anyone knows how to get either the content or code for the tinyMCE textarea, or has a better solution, I'd be interested to hear