I've tried to install postgres 13.1 on my Mac using homebrew. (Also tried versions 11 & 12 which at one time were installed on this Mac, but encountering same error with those versions now). Am using notes I took from previous installs & of course google/stackoverflow. Tried many things/many times, but always, if I run psql, createuser, createdb (any postgres command), it responds with:
FATAL: role "postgres" does not exist
Also tried just creating a postgres user on my Mac to run install from that account; no luck.
Also tried postgresql install from the enterprisedb.com site. That worked, but seems klunky & seems to rely on .sh scripts. Interestingly, got the 'role postgres does not exist' error after the edb install too, but noticed if I just entered 'postgres' twice on the command line it worked. Example:
/Library/PostgreSQL/13/bin/psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres postgres
This trick doesn't work tho with the brew install.
Understand I need to create the postgres role, but I can't find a command to do this that doesn't complain that the role doesn't already exist.
Any help would be so so appreciated!