
Is there any way to combine zoom property with values different from 1 and filter? For example, zoom: .5 on block with AlphaImageLoader make transparent areas become black. Assigning background color fix this problem but I need it to be transparent...

Or maybe there is any way to scale with background images in IE6?..


1 Answers


After struggling about two days with this problem, I found, that there is several reasons, causing transparent areas on child element become black:

  • zoom > 1 or < 1 on parent block;
  • position: relative or absolute on parent element;
  • negative left or top on child element;
  • clip on child element;
  • filter on the same element.

I didn't tested much, but in my case applying "filter: alpha(opacity=100);" to parent block helps to get rid of transparency bug.

Maybe this will be useful to somebody...