I'm familiar with using Google Maps Javascript API. Recently I started using MapKit framework for an iphone project, but I'm having a hard time to figure out zooming and setting a region on map.
In Google Maps API I used to use integer zoom levels like 8, 9, 10 along with straightforward function setZoom(). The only equivalent method I can see in the MapKit framework is setRegion:animated. As I understand, I need to set a region's span's latitude and longitude "delta" values to specify zoom level. But I really don't have an idea what these values represent(I read the documentation).
When I use a MKMapView delegate and trace the span values in regionDidChange delegate method results don't seem to correlate each other. It's ok when I zoom out and see the span delta values are increasing as specified in documentation. But suddenly I drag the map without zooming and delta values become 0.0.
Can somebody please explain what is the reference point to these span and delta? Or is there any algorithm to convert an integer zoom level(like 9) to these delta values?
As a bonus question is there any way to specify a minimum-maximum zoom level on a MKMapView :)