I have a component in react that receives a HTMLCollection(10) [div, div, div, div, div, div, div, div, div, div]
as props, and placing the prop directly in the return throws an error. How does one render it such that is can be appended at the end of already existing children
Poor Example for context explanation
export default function Block {
const {children, HTMLCollectionChild} = props;
return (
The solution I found that seemed to work best is as follows
? HTMLCollectionChild.map((child) => {
return createElement(
{ key: `${generate_key()} ${child.firstElementChild.currentSrc}` },
createElement("img", { src: child.firstElementChild.currentSrc })
: null}
The only downside was that, I needed to know the structure of the HTMLCollectionChild before attempting to render it
for those needing further reading check createElement docs
Error: Can only set one of `children` or `props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML`.
– Jjkivai...HTMLCollectionChild
– cursorsdottsx