I want to create a script that will manually modulate and demodulate a signal. I am using DSB-SC modulation and I am just confused on how to build the lowpass filter for the demodulation of the signal. Here is what I have so far:
close all;
clear all;
t = 0:0.000001:0.001;
Vm = [1,2,5];
Vc = 1;
fm = 2000;
fc = 50000;
for i = 1:3
close all;
amp = Vm(i);
m = Vm(i)*sin(2*pi*fm*t);
c = Vc*sin(2*pi*fc*t);
%modulated signal
phi_DSB = m.*c;
hold on
plot(t, m)
legend('DSB modulated signal','Message signal')
txt = sprintf('DSB modulated signal with message amplitude %d', amp);
ylabel('Signal amplitude')
demod = lowpass(phi_DSB,50000);
As you can see I used the lowpass filter constructor but it requires the value to be between 0 and 1. Is there another way to construct a lowpass filter? How would I make the frequency between 0 and 1?
x = c.*phi_DSB
right before the demod step and then X would be the input tolowpass()
– Brian E