Off Topic: Let me start by saying Java is completely new to me. I've been programming for over 15 years and never have had a need for it beyond modifying others' codebases, so please forgive my ignorance and possibly improper terminology. I'm also not very familiar with RF, so if I'm way left field here, please let me know!
I'm building an SDR (Software Defined Radio) radio transmitter, and while I can successfully transmit on a frequency, when I send the stream (either from the device's microphone or bytes from a tone generator), what is coming through my handheld receiver sounds like static.
I believe this to be due to my receiver being set up to receive NFM (Narrowband Frequency Modulation) and WFM (Wideband Frequency Modulation) while the transmission coming from my SDR is sending raw, unmodulated data.
My question is: how do I modulate audio bytes (i.e. an InputStream) so that the resulting bytes are modulated in FM (Frequency Modulation) or AM (Amplitude Modulation), which I can then transmit through the SDR?
I can't seem to find a class or package that handles modulation (eventually I'm going to have to modulate WFM, FM, AM, SB, LSB, USB, DSB, etc.) despite there being quite a few open-source SDR codebases, but if you know where I can find this, that basically answers this question. Everything I've found so far has been for demodulation.
This is a class I've built around Xarph's Answer here on StackOverflow, it simply returns a byte array containing a simple, unmodulated audio signal, which can then be used to play sound through speakers (or transmit over an SDR, but due to the result not being properly modulated, it doesn't come through correctly on the receiver's end, which is what I'm having trouble figuring out)
public class ToneGenerator {
public static byte[] generateTone() {
return generateTone(60, 1000, 8000);
public static byte[] generateTone(double duration) {
return generateTone(duration, 1000, 8000);
public static byte[] generateTone(double duration, double freqOfTone) {
return generateTone(duration, freqOfTone, 8000);
public static byte[] generateTone(double duration, double freqOfTone, int sampleRate) {
double dnumSamples = duration * sampleRate;
dnumSamples = Math.ceil(dnumSamples);
int numSamples = (int) dnumSamples;
double sample[] = new double[numSamples];
byte generatedSnd[] = new byte[2 * numSamples];
for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; ++i) { // Fill the sample array
sample[i] = Math.sin(freqOfTone * 2 * Math.PI * i / (sampleRate));
// convert to 16 bit pcm sound array
// assumes the sample buffer is normalized.
// convert to 16 bit pcm sound array
// assumes the sample buffer is normalised.
int idx = 0;
int i = 0 ;
int ramp = numSamples / 20 ; // Amplitude ramp as a percent of sample count
for (i = 0; i< ramp; ++i) { // Ramp amplitude up (to avoid clicks)
double dVal = sample[i];
// Ramp up to maximum
final short val = (short) ((dVal * 32767 * i/ramp));
// in 16 bit wav PCM, first byte is the low order byte
generatedSnd[idx++] = (byte) (val & 0x00ff);
generatedSnd[idx++] = (byte) ((val & 0xff00) >>> 8);
for (i = i; i< numSamples - ramp; ++i) { // Max amplitude for most of the samples
double dVal = sample[i];
// scale to maximum amplitude
final short val = (short) ((dVal * 32767));
// in 16 bit wav PCM, first byte is the low order byte
generatedSnd[idx++] = (byte) (val & 0x00ff);
generatedSnd[idx++] = (byte) ((val & 0xff00) >>> 8);
for (i = i; i< numSamples; ++i) { // Ramp amplitude down
double dVal = sample[i];
// Ramp down to zero
final short val = (short) ((dVal * 32767 * (numSamples-i)/ramp ));
// in 16 bit wav PCM, first byte is the low order byte
generatedSnd[idx++] = (byte) (val & 0x00ff);
generatedSnd[idx++] = (byte) ((val & 0xff00) >>> 8);
return generatedSnd;
An answer to this doesn't necessarily need to be code, actually theory and an understanding of how FM or AM modulation works when it comes to processing a byte array and converting it to the proper format would probably be more valuable since I'll have to implement more modes in the future.