I´m trying to print my CI with esttab in this order:
My code with the cars.csv dataset form https://gist.github.com/noamross/e5d3e859aa0c794be10b#file-cars-csv:
clear all
import excel "C:\Users\luism\Desktop\archive/cars_usa.xlsx", sheet("hoja1") firstrow
destring mileage, force replace
reg price mileage
estimates store model_1
esttab model_1 using "C:\Users\luism\Desktop\archive/results.csv", replace beta ci
This is what I got when I separate by commas the results.csv file.
I would like to print the upper bound below the lower bound, not next to after I separate by commas the results.csv. Thanks
doesn't have that option. You might have to code this yourself by taking the results from r(table) and writing it to an Excel file withputexcel
. – Wouter