Does anyone know if it is possible to use the magnificent "indicate()" option in esttab
with xtreg
If I run a regression like
eststo MYREG: reg y x i.category,
then I can do
esttab MYREG , indicate("Category FE = *.category")
and I will get a nice table like so:
x 2.3443
Category FE Yes
N 4321
xtset category
xtreg y x
there is no coefficient saved that I can use in the indicate statement. Or is there? I have been unable to find any.
I realize that I can use
estadd local fe "Yes" : MYREG
and then I can get a table like
esttab MYREG , stats(N fe)
x 2.3443
N 4321
Category FE Yes
but I am using a bunch of other "i.VAR" type fixed effects and I want them all to show up together just below the coefficients and not have just one of them showing up in the footer.