
I have created a new Azure Data Factory v2 resource with the below Azure CLI command:

az datafactory factory create --location "North Europe" --name $DataFactoryName --resource-group $DataFactoryResourceGroup

The resource was created successfully but no Managed Identity was assigned to the Data Factory as it was with previously created data factory resources.

enter image description here

I also confirmed that there is no Managed Identity with the below command

az datafactory factory show --name $DataFactoryName --resource-group $DataFactoryResourceGroup

{ "additionalProperties": null, "createTime": "2020-11-05T09:13:43.243343+00:00", "eTag": ""5c01dfcc-0000-0c00-0000-5fa3c2470000"", "globalParameters": null, "id": XXXXXX "identity": null, "location": "northeurope", "name": XXXXXX "provisioningState": "Succeeded", "repoConfiguration": null, "resourceGroup": XXXXXX, "tags": {}, "type": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories", "version": "2018-06-01" }

Any idea how I can enable the Managed Identity for the Data Factory and why it was not automaticcaly created as the documentation does not appear to have an options to create it or not.


1 Answers


Looks there is no option to enable the Managed Identity when creating it with az datafactory factory create, you could enable the Managed Identity with the command below after creating.

az resource update --name <factoryname> --resource-group <group-name> --namespace Microsoft.DataFactory --resource-type factories --set identity.type=SystemAssigned

enter image description here

enter image description here