
I'm trying to connect to Azure SQL DB using AD Authentication (Managed Identity) in Data Factory by saving the connection string in Azure Key Vault. I've setup the Managed Identity access in Azure SQL DB by providing the access to ADF (ADF name). I've stored the connection string in Key Vault in following formats but I was not successful.

Tried following formats of connection strings:

Server=tcp:xxxxxxxxxx.database.windows.net;Initial Catalog=xxxxxxx;Authentication = 'Active Directory Interactive';

Server=tcp:xxxxxxxxxxxx.database.windows.net;Initial Catalog=xxxxxxxxxxx;User ID=DatafactoryName;Authentication = 'Active Directory Interactive';  -- Actual DatafactoryName

Server=tcp:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.windows.net;Initial Catalog=xxxxxxxxx;User ID=MSI_ID;Authentication = 'Active Directory Interactive';   -- Actual MSI ID for the DataFactory

Server=tcp:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.windows.net;Initial Catalog=xxxxxxxxx;User ID=a;Authentication = 'Active Directory Interactive';   -- Tried arbitrary value

I'm getting the following error

enter image description here

Hi, is the error solved now?Leon Yue
Yes, it's resolved now.ravi teja Puppala
can you please accept it as answer( click on the check mark beside the answer to toggle it from greyed out to filled in.)? This can be beneficial to other community members. Thank you.Leon Yue

2 Answers


The connection string should be:

Data Source=tcp:<servername>.database.windows.net,1433;Initial Catalog=<databasename>;Connection Timeout=30

The connection should like this: enter image description here

Ref: Managed identities for Azure resources authentication and Reference secret stored in key vault


You can try

Integrated Security=False;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=30;Data Source=xxxxxxxxxx.database.windows.net;Initial Catalog=xxxxxxx