I'm processing CSV files, outputting parquet files using Pandas in an AWS Lambda function, saving the data to an S3 bucket to query with Athena. The RAW input format to the Lambda function is CSV, with a unix timestamp in UTC that looks like:
1605074410110,F2016B1E.CAP.0 - 41840982B40192,323da038-bb49-4f3a-a045-925194364e5b,X.ALM.FLG,0,0,INTEGER,true
I parse the Timestamp like:
df['Timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Timestamp'], unit='ms')
Timestamp DeviceName DeviceUUID SignalName SignalValueRaw SignalValueScaled SignalType SubstationId StationBankId FeederId year month day hour DeviceNameClean DeviceType
0 2020-11-11 06:00:10.110 F2016B2W.MLR.0 - 41841005000073 3c4839b1-ab99-4164-b415-4653948360ef CVR_X_ENGAGED_A 0 0 BOOLEAN Kenton FR2016B2 F2016B2W 2020 11 11 6 MLR.0 - 41841005000073 MLR
I process the data further in the Lambda function, then output a parquet file. I then run a Glue crawler against the parquet files that this script outputs, and in S3, can query the data fine:
The glue crawler correctly identifies the column as timestamp:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `cvr_event_log`(
`timestamp` timestamp,
`deviceuuid` string,
`devicename` string,
`devicetype` string,
But when I then query the table in Athena, I get this for the date:
"+52840-11-19 16:56:55.000","0ca4ed37-930d-4778-b3a8-f49d9b498364","FR22606.REG.0","REG",
What has Athena so confused about the timestamp?