Let's suppose I have these relations in my DB:
id | name
id | name
id | product_id | category_id
I can easily build it using Eloquent's Models using "belongsToMany" relations: Product has a "categories" public function called "categories" and Category has a "products" public function.
Now, I have a page where the user wants to filter all the products for a given category by clicking on the category name.
The program will pass the category_id to my Controller and now begins the problem.
I can easily do it "by hand" writing this code:
$products = Product::query()
->leftJoin('product_category', 'product.id', '=', 'product_category.product_id')
->leftJoin('category', 'product_category.category_id', '=', 'category.id')
->where('category_id', '=', 2);
But this would make the process of defining the relation in the Model class almost useless.
Is there a better way of making it, maybe using the ORM stuff?
Thank you so much!