
I want to start a Flex & Bison translator which will read from a file given and output to another file while understanding what we gave him in the input. For example if i give "This is a string" 12 4.5, the output file will be

String > "Ths is a string"

Space > *

Integer > 12

Space > *

Float > 4.5

The problem is that i am trying to under the base below all of this and i have started from the point where i am reading the input file and output file and opening them. I am working on visual studio so i have added the command line arguments to be read exe input.txt output.txt and i am managing them in the main class in Grammar.y file. After that i am trying to do some regular expressions with what to return if the yylex(); functions finds something. I am providing code but i have 2 problems so far.

Firstly the compiler spits out that i have not declared the tokens but i have putted them in the .y file as i have provided below.

Secondly i fill like i dont know what i am doing wrong and it does not work at all so any advice will be helpful.

This is my Grammar.l file

%option noyywrap

    #include <iostream>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "Grammar.tab.h"
    #define YY_DECL int yylex(yy::parser::semantic_type *yylval)
    FILE *fout;

    using namespace std;


[0-9]+                          { yylval->ival = atoi(yytext); return INTEGER; }
[0-9]+"."[0-9]+ | "."?[0-9]?    { yylval->fval = atof(yytext); return FLOAT; }
[a-zA-Z0-9]+                    { yylval->sval = yytext; return STRING; }
" "*                            { return SPACE; }
"\t"*                           { return TAB; }


This is the Grammar.y file

%language "C++"
%start root

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "Grammar.tab.h"
    #define SIZE 512

    using namespace std;

    extern "C" int yylex();
    extern "C" FILE *yyin;
    extern "C" FILE *fout;

    extern int yylex(yy::parser::semantic_type *yylval);

    int ival;
    float fval;
    char* sval;

%token <ival> INTEGER
%token <fval> FLOAT
%token <sval> STRING
%token SPACE
%token TAB


root : ;


void main( int argc, char ** argv){

    if ( argc < 4 ){
        printf("\nError!!! Missing Command line arguments\nUsage exe <inputfile> <outputfile>");
        fopen_s(&yyin, argv[3],"r");
        if (yyin == NULL) {
            printf("\033[0;31mError oppening input file.\033[0m");

        fopen_s(&fout, argv[4],"r");
        if (fout == NULL) {
            printf("\033[0;31mError oppening output file.\033[0m");


namespace yy{
    void parser::error (const location_type& loc, const std::string& msg){
        std::cerr << "error at " << loc << ": " << msg << std::endl;
please add options you pass to flex and bisonMichał Walenciak
what options and where?Kamora
.y and .l files are meant to be 'compiled' with flex and bison so you need to execute both commands with proper files and options.Michał Walenciak
i do have set the build dependencies in visual studio to use flex and bison latest version and also i compile both of them every time i rebuild the project and still the only token declared is the float oneKamora
This pattern is incorrect: [0-9]+"."[0-9]+ | "."?[0-9]. (F)lex patterns cannot contain unquoted space characters. As a result, flex sees the action as a vertical bar and ignores the rest of the line. So it's not that FLOAT is defined. Rather, it never appears in the generated .c file and therefore the C compiler doesn't complain about it.rici

1 Answers


When you request a C++ parser, bison keeps the token types out of the global namespace. This makes the usage quite different from most of the examples you'll find on the internet, which assume the C interface.

So instead of just using INTEGER, for example, you need to specify the full name:

[0-9]+                          { yylval->ival = atoi(yytext);
                                  return yy::parser::token::INTEGER; }

You could shorten that a bit with a using directive in the prologue.

Your compiler will also complain about the call to yylex inside your main function. Note that you have declared yylex as:

extern int yylex(yy::parser::semantic_type *yylval);

which means that it expects a single argument which is a pointer to a yy::parser::semantic_type (i.e., the union described by your %union declaration). In order to call the function, then, you need a pointer to such an object, which means that you need an instance of that object to point at:

    yy::parser::semantic_type yylval;
    int token;
        token = yylex(&yylval);
        /* Here you need to do something in order to print
         * the token and possibly the associated semantic value.
         * So you'll probably need something like this:
        switch(token) {
          case yy::parser::token::INTEGER {
            fprintf(fout, "INTEGER: %d\n", yylval->ival);
          // ...
          case 0: break;
    } while(token);

Note that I changed the feof test so that the loop instead terminates when yylex returns 0, which is how yylex signals that it has reached the end of input.