%option noyywrap
#include "syntax.hpp"
#include <cstdlib>
extern "C" int isatty(int);
\#.* {}
\[[A-Za-z_]*\] {yylval.val_char=yytext; return SECTION_NAME;}
[A-Z_a-z[:digit:]]*[A-Z_a-z][A-Z_a-z[:digit:]]* {yylval.val_char=yytext ;return OPTION_NAME;}
\n {}
=\".*?\" {yylval.val_char=yytext+1; return VALUE_STRING;}
=[ A-Z_a-z[:digit:]]*[A-Z_a-z][A-Z_a-z[:digit:] ]* {yylval.val_char=yytext+1; return VALUE_ENUM;}
=[ [:digit:] ]* {yylval.val_int=atoi(yytext+1); return VALUE_INTEGER;}
=[ [:digit:]\.[:digit:]]+ {yylval.val_float=atof(yytext+1); return VALUE_FLOAT;}
" " {}
#include <iostream>
int yylex();
int yyerror(const char *p) {return 0;}
%union {
float val_float;
int val_int;
char* val_char;
%token <val_char> SECTION_NAME
%token <val_char> OPTION_NAME
%token <val_int> VALUE_INTEGER
%token <val_float> VALUE_FLOAT
%token <val_char> VALUE_STRING
%token <val_char> VALUE_ENUM
:input line
:SECTION_NAME {std::cout<<$1; std::cout<<std::endl;}
:OPTION_NAME VALUE_INTEGER {std::cout<<$1, std::cout<<std::endl;}
|OPTION_NAME VALUE_FLOAT {std::cout<<$1; std::cout<<std::endl;}
|OPTION_NAME VALUE_ENUM {std::cout<<$1; std::cout<<std::endl;}
|OPTION_NAME VALUE_STRING {std::cout<<$1;std::cout<<std::endl;}
I am trying to test small ini configuration file parser. It must parse option=value pairs, where value can be int,float,quoted string or enumaerated constant. This code should give SECTION_NAMEs and OPTION_NAMEs frome file to console output. But it does not. Instead of that it prints whole file. If I change $1 to $2 it works fine and prints SECTION_NAMEs and VALUES. What's wrong with it? How can i get access to OPTION_NAME token value? Thanks in advance.
UPD. Flex part works fine. {printf(yylval.val_char); return OPTION_NAME;} gives right token value to console. Perhaps problem in bison part.