Using lein re-frame template I see that there's a -main function that runs a jetty server for the backend code located in clj/. Using emacs I've been able to cider-jack-in-cljs and get the frontend running in the browser, hot reload works and all but I've tried to add routes to the routes function in handler.clj inside the clj/ and haven't been able to figure out how to get that "backend side" of things to work.
I found this other question sort of related but in that case the user just wanted to know why the clj/ folder was there, not how to run that code. I haven't been able to find any documentation so far, any help is greatly appreciated.
PD: I know that having the backend and frontend in the same project/repo is not recommended (it's mentioned in the other question I linked above) but I just want to get a simple "first app" working and running first and then hopefully get the backend out into another project/repo.