I'm new on coding. My first lang is Clojure. And it's my first question on stackoverflow.
I wrote a Clj code, tested all functions on lein(Emacs/Cider) and I want to compile for testing. But Java methods returned this error message :
(on terminal in project folder):
aaron@debian:~/img-process$ lein check
Reflection warning, img_process/core.clj:25:30 - reference to field getWidth can't be resolved.
(and getHeight, getRGB, setRGB, java.io.File, javax.imeageio.ImageIO, java.lang.String)
Why lein can not see Java elements ? How can I compile this ?
Thank you.
project.clj https://github.com/harununal/clj-x-ray-coloring/blob/master/project.clj
core clj : https://github.com/harununal/clj-x-ray-coloring/tree/master/src/img_process