I am using Power BI Desktop and trying to query data from a Excel files stored on a SharePoint Online list.
Fonte = SharePoint.Files("https://eletromarquez.sharepoint.com/sites/EDPAutomaoeTelecom",[ApiVersion = 15]),
#"Linhas Filtradas" = Table.SelectRows(Fonte, each Text.StartsWith([Folder Path], "https://eletromarquez.sharepoint.com/sites/EDPAutomaoeTelecom/Documentos Partilhados/Produtividade")),
#"Linhas Filtradas1" = Table.SelectRows(#"Linhas Filtradas", each ([Extension] = ".xlsx"))
#"Linhas Filtradas1"
I get this intermitent error:
DataSource.Error: SharePoint: Request failed: https://eletromarquez.sharepoint.com/sites/EDPAutomaoeTelecom/Documentos Partilhados/Produtividade/8 - Agosto 2020/Produtividade Agosto 2020 - NAME OF FILE_xlsx/_api/contextinfo
Intermitente because sometimes the query works and sometimes don't, besides that the file pointed at error message changes at each error.
Looking for solutions in this forum, I saw that some people had the same issue but with no definitive solution. Example: https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Power-Query/DataSource-Error-SharePoint-Request-failed/td-p/210387
Previous suggestions I've tried and didn't work:
- Update Excel and Power BI (I tried to query in both applications)
- Clear permissions and log in again.
Sorry my bad English,
Best Regards,
Eduardo Donato