I upload a file to sharepoint and trying to update its metadata, but I always get error 400 in last step.
As far as I understand, sharepoint only handles lists and items. A "folder" is a list and both metadata and files inside are items. And a "file" is a list and its metadata are items.
Documentation about updating metadata say about to make a POST request to:
- https: // {site_url} / _api / web / lists / GetByTitle ('{list_title}') / items ({item_id})
Updating files must be done by PUT method (not MERGE allowed), but updating metadata must be done specifically by MERGE method. I have tried both, and both failed.
This is my current updating metadata request, but I'm continuing getting an error 400.
var data = {
"__metadata": {
"Description":"lorem ipsum"
var headerToken = {
headers: {
'Authorization':'Bearer ' + token
, 'X-HTTP-Method':'MERGE'
, 'Accept':'application/json;odata=verbose'
, 'Content-Type':'application/json;odata=verbose'
, 'Content-Length':JSON.stringify(data).length
, 'If-Match': etag
, 'X-RequestDigest': digest
try {
var response = await axios.post(
, JSON.stringify(data)
, headerToken
return response;
type, etag and id are get from uploading file response and digest is get from a request to contextinfo endpoint. MY_FOLDER is a test library and at this moment is a constant.