
I'm using Material-UI and React Testing Library in a project and I'm having a hard time with TextField that is set to type="password". I understand that, in tests, it's not a good practice to default to getting an element using testId field, but I cannot find a way to get to the password input field. I cannot use getByRole because apparently <input type="password"> doesn't have a role. There is no text in the input box, nor placeholder text, and when I try to use getByLabelText I'm getting this error message:

TestingLibraryElementError: Found a label with the text of: Password, however no form control was found associated to that label. Make sure you're using the "for" attribute or "aria-labelledby" attribute correctly.

When I reviewed the rendered elements in the test (I used screen.debug()), I realize that this is how Material-UI composes the TextField:

      class="MuiFormControl-root MuiTextField-root MuiFormControl-fullWidth"
      class="MuiFormLabel-root MuiInputLabel-root MuiInputLabel-formControl MuiInputLabel-animated"
      class="MuiInputBase-root MuiInput-root MuiInput-underline MuiInputBase-fullWidth MuiInput-fullWidth MuiInputBase-formControl MuiInput-formControl"
        class="MuiInputBase-input MuiInput-input"

So, the <input> is not embedded inside the <label> and also the label doesn't have a for attribute to associate it with the input. So, how else would I be able to get a hold of that password box without using testId?


1 Answers


I think you need to set the id prop to TextField for it to associate the label to the input