I wanted to learn asm, coming from C
A book suggested trying to implement this algorithm which is a quite simple sorting algorithm
for i = 0 to len-1
small = arr(i)
index = i
for j = i to len-1
if ( arr(j) < small ) then
small = arr(j)
index = j
arr(index) = arr(i)
arr(i) = small
The beginning of my code is that (can give the rest if needed)
section .bss
section .data
len dq 5
array dq 1 , 3 , 6 , 8 , 2
section .text
global _start
mov rdi , [len]
mov rsi , array
call sort
push rbp
mov rbp,rsp
push qword 0 ; i_counter = rbp-8
push rdi ; len = rbp-16
push rsi ; *array = rbp -24
push qword 0 ; j = rbp - 32
dec qword [rbp-16]
mov r8 , [rbp-16]
cmp [rbp-8], r8 ; if counter = len - 1 (decreased above)
je end_i_loop
mov rbx , [rbp-8]
mov rax , qword [ rbp-24 - rbx * 8] ; small = array(i) and line 38
mov rcx , [rbp-8] ; index = i
mov [rbp - 32 ] , rcx ; j = i
On line 38 i get the error error: invalid effective address
At first i thought it was an alignment mistake (thus the push quadword at the beginning of the sort function )
Then i tried with movq instructions (which does not work for other reasons obviously, i since read the manual of the instruction)
moving toward a memory address seems to work, even if referenced by a register (at least mov [rax] , qword [ rbp-24 - rbx * 8] compiles), but i hardly see any point in doing that)
I might fix it with lea, which compiles, but i want the value, doesn't mov rax,, qword [ rbp-24 - rbx * 8] gives the value pointed by rbp-24-rbx*8 ?
Since i have the same problem at four different points in the code (after line 38), i'm totally stuck and have no idea what to try now
Could someone explain why this does not compile, and if possible give a solution (or at least hints)