I don't know why my NASM assembler keeps giving me the error that I got an invalid effective address in my code. The problem lies in the following piece of code: mov eax, dword [lst + (bl * DOUBLE_WORD)]
. I'm just trying to add the product of a constant and whatever is stored in the 8-bit BL register to the address value represented by lst
. Am I not allowed to do that? Well, in the book I'm reading, this is exactly the way the author does it.
; ************************************************************************
; Assembler: NASM
; This program sums the values of all elements of a double word array.
; ************************************************************************
section .data
EXIT_SUCCESS equ 0 ; The exit status code for success
SYS_EXIT equ 0x3C ; The value for the exit system call
DOUBLE_WORD equ 4 ; A double word is 4 bytes
lst dd 10, 20, 2, 1 ; A 4-element array
size db 4 ; The size of the array
sum dd 0 ; This is where we're going to store the sum
section .text
global _start
mov bl, 0 ; The index to keep track of the element we're working with
; error: invalid effective address
mov eax, dword [lst + (bl * DOUBLE_WORD)]
add dword [sum], eax
inc bl
cmp bl, byte [size] ; Compare the index to the size
jne _loop ; If the index value is not equal to the size,
; keep looping
; x/dw &sum
; exit
mov rax, SYS_EXIT
; ************************************************************************
%if 0
Compile and run:
nasm -f elf64 -F dwarf -g -o demo.o demo.asm -l demo.lst && \
ld -g -o a.out demo.o && \
rm demo.o && \