
Followed this link: Enabling cross-account access to Amazon EKS cluster resources I can make a pod in an Amazon EKS cluster hosted in ci account interact and manage the AWS resources in a target account. This is the aws config file:

[profile ci-env]
role_arn = arn:aws-cn:iam::CICD_ACCOUNT:role/eksctl-jenkins-cicd-demo-addon-iamserviceacc-Role1-1AQZO394370HE
web_identity_token_file = /var/run/secrets/eks.amazonaws.com/serviceaccount/token
region = cn-north-1

[profile target-env]
role_arn = arn:aws-cn:iam::TARGET_ACCOUNT:role/target-account-iam-role
source_profile = ci-env
role_session_name = xactarget
region = cn-north-1

When I run aws s3 ls --profile target-env, it worked and listed the s3 buckets in my target account.

Then, I want to deploy a cdk app on ci account which can create s3 bucket on target account. But When I run cdk deploy --profile target-env, it appeared:

Need to perform AWS calls for account TARGET_ACCOUNT, but no credentials have been configured.

I am very confused and don't know how to solve it. I am a beginner of aws service, thanks advance for helping me!


1 Answers


You need to bootstrap all of your (target) accounts to trust the CICD account.

Otherwise, you would have to create and manage the cross-account access by yourself.

  • IAM Roles + Policies (in all accounts)
  • S3 Bucket for artifacts + bucket policies (in CICD account)
  • Key Management Service -> Customer Managed Key + Policies to allow the target accounts

You can spot here an example architecture, which is applying that: enter image description here

If it's possible for you, you might switch to the CDK Pipelines. In this guide, also the bootstrapping (incl. trusting) is being applied and every step/resource mentioned from above is being created and properly configured. It has a few drawbacks as of now, but it's in developer preview and has a quite decent usability and makes your life a lot easier already.